Search by tag «Research» 545 results

  • ITMO Scientists Suggest Novel Nanoparticle-Based Cancer Treatment

    Cancer is the second most common death cause in the world, which in 2020 took the lives of nearly 10 million people – every sixth death, according to WHO. Globally, researchers are developing new, more efficient treatments for oncological diseases. Scientists from ITMO also contribute to these efforts: recently, they have come up with a universally applicable magnetic particle from zinc ferrite and manganese ferrite that can facilitate both cancer diagnostics and treatment. The new method increases the efficiency of radiotherapy by 40%, and during magnetic hyperthermia it can heat cancer cells in several seconds, while also securing less exposure for the healthy cells. This study was published in Journal of Materials Chemistry B.


  • New Method to Detect Influenza and Coronavirus Suggested at ITMO

    Researchers from ITMO University and Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza have suggested a multipurpose method that can detect coronavirus and influenza type A and B viruses in biological liquids. At the core of the novel method is surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) combined with machine learning, which help make it up to 85% accurate – meaning that it performs better than express tests (which produce false positive results in 11-48% of cases). Moreover, the new method compares favorably with PCR, too, as it takes minutes to complete. The solution is described in an article published in Biosensors.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #25

    Today’s digest of the hottest science news, courtesy of ITMO.NEWS, starts off with the latest in hard-hitting research, continues with a review of the university’s newest and most exciting science departments, and concludes with some entertaining-yet-insightful glances into the hot topic that is quantum physics.


  • New Diagnostic System for Helicobacter pylori Detection Suggested at ITMO

    Scientists from the Research Laboratory for Spectroscopy of Biological Objects have come up with a new diagnostics system that detects Helicobacter pylori bacteria with a 98% accuracy level. The new device is easier to use and relies on Russian-produced components. How does it work? Learn from this article.


  • ITMO Scientists Develop Algorithm to Predict Nanomaterials Toxicity

    Nanoparticles and nanomaterials are commonly used in diagnostics and drug delivery systems for oncological treatment. However, in order to be used safely, such materials have to be checked for toxicity. Students from ITMO University have developed an algorithm that can quickly predict a material’s toxicity, with fewer experiments needed to perform the task. Their study was published in Small.


  • Learn, Research, Commercialize: The Wealth of Opportunities at ITMO’s Institute of Laser Technologies

    If you decide to join the Institute of Laser Technologies as a student, you won’t have to choose just one area to focus on. Here, you can train to become an expert in photonics and laser technologies, develop new materials, devices, and laser-based targeted drug delivery methods, as well as launch and market your own project. This new department was launched at ITMO in 2022 and combines three cutting-edge laboratories under its roof. Read all about it in this ITMO.NEWS article.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #24

    Join us in reviewing the best science news from the first half of February! And there’s quite a lot to see: from incredible student projects and medical advances to a retrospective of Russia’s greatest scientists.


  • Science for Life: Russian Inventions That Changed Our Lives

    Today, on February 8, we celebrate Russian Science Day. This date commemorates the founding of the Russian Academy of Sciences by Peter the Great. Every day, our team reports on the latest discoveries made at ITMO. On previous occasions, we brought you a comprehensive timeline of science at ITMO and shared the real stories of our young researchers. Today, we invite you to learn more about just a few of the times when science changed our lives – and what it will bring us in the future.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #23

    Every second Monday, we bring you a selection of the most intriguing, insightful, and impactful news from the realm of science at ITMO and beyond. Today’s line-up includes new opportunities for students of biotech and chemistry, success stories from PhD students, a must-read explainer on personal data – and much more.


  • ITMO Fellow Eugene Smirnov On Colloid Chemistry Applications: From Space Telescopes to FoodTech

    Remember the James Webb Telescope? The one that’s recently discovered its first exoplanet? It’s an impressive machine that has 18 mirrors covered with an ultrathin layer of gold. It takes 3.5 years of polishing to produce one such mirror, which then has to be linked to the others and delivered to the orbit. Wouldn’t it be great if we could just make a liquid mirror out of nanoparticles? Sounds like a dream, but colloid chemistry can get us closer to it. What other possibilities does it open? We asked ITMO Fellow Eugene Smirnov, a scientist with international experience from Switzerland, Germany, and China, who now heads a research group at ITMO.
