Search by tag «Projects» 123 results

  • App Developed by an ITMO Student Won the VK Mini Apps Contest

    Simply Eco (Эко просто) is a project based on a VK page and a mini app. It was created by students from several St. Petersburg universities, including ITMO University. They discussed the features of the app with us and explained how it helps to become environmentally friendly.


  • Who Are This Year’s Art & Science Students?

    The Art & Science Master’s program welcomes 22 new students from St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kazakhstan, and India.


  • New SCAMT Project: Citizen Science, Alternative Power Sources And Distributed Lab

    ITMO’s SCAMT and Kuban State University (KubSU) launch a citizen science project Internet of Bacteria. Its goal is to collect data on bacteria that produce electric energy, and the soils these inhabit.


  • SumIT School’s Best Projects: Vertical Farm, Diabetes Care, and Distance Learning Platform

    Over the course of two weeks, the participants of the SumIT+InnoCamp joint summer school listened to lectures of invited experts and performed practical tasks. You will learn more about the SumIT School’s results and its best projects in this article by ITMO.NEWS.


  • ITMO Lecturers Develop a New Methodology for Interdisciplinary Research

    It will be implemented as an educational module for students of ITMO University’s Institute of Design & Urban Studies. The project is supported by the Vladimir Potanin Foundation.


  • ITMO University Students Launch a Digital Medicine Project

    The Lotos project is a service that allows you to compare the prices of medical tests at different St. Petersburg laboratories, create your own procedure package, and access it at a reduced price. In this article, Nikolay Polovnev, one of the project’s founders, talks about the idea behind the service, its future functions, and monetization model.


  • ‘Free From Sulfates, Phosphates, and Parabens’: What Is Chemophobia and How Is It Tackled at ITMO

    You may not have heard about chemophobia, but this fear of chemical substances is a vastly more widespread phenomenon than it may seem at first glance. 


  • UMNIK-ITMO Innovative Project Competition Application Period is Now Open

    ITMO University together with the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises have announced the launch of the UMNIK-ITMO competition. Students and PhD researchers, young scientists and entrepreneurs working in the field of digital economics are welcome to participate. The best ideas will get 500,000 rubles in funding. Read more about the competition, the participation conditions, and its former winners in this ITMO.NEWS article. 


  • For the Benefit of the Environment: ITMO Specialists Develop Biodegradable Food Packaging and Nutritious Plant-Based Food

    Specialists from ITMO University’s School of Biotechnology and Cryogenic Systems work on a wide range of projects that are highly promising for the refrigeration, food, and waste processing industries. For instance, at the moment the scientists at the Faculty of Food Biotechnologies and Engineering are developing biodegradable coatings and packaging for food products and working on the creation of food products for different consumer categories, including vegetarians and vegans. The latter two projects are headed by Natalia Yakovchenko, senior lecturer at ITMO University. ITMO.NEWS spoke to Prof. Yakovchenko to find out more about the research, its relevance, and the environmental component. 


  • Megabyte Media Launches New Podcast About Oncologic Diseases

    Megabyte Media – a joint student media at ITMO University – has launched a new project, Q.E.D. (Latin for “which was to be proven” – ed. note), a podcast about evidence-based medicine created in collaboration with the Cancer Prevention Foundation. The podcast will focus on oncology, discussing issues and busting common myths. New episodes are to come out every two weeks, with the first one released on May 14.
