Search by tag «Optics» 43 results

  • Professor Xi-Cheng Zhang Is Awarded by Selby Scientific Foundation

    Xi-Cheng Zhang, head of ITMO’s International Institute "Photonics and Optical Information Technology", received a prestigious award by Selby Scientific Foundation established by Australian Academy of Science. Every year this award is given for only one international scientist.


  • Processing Dostoevsky — Scientists Use Optics for Studying Manuscripts

    Dostoevsky is a world-renown author — his works have been thoroughly analyzed, and his life has been studied in detail. Only a few mysteries remain — those are hidden in small notes that he left in his sketchbooks. Thanks to these notes, literature experts can elaborate a precise chronology of Dostoevsky's works. Yet, the great writer never dated the notes. Unique optical technologies developed by ITMO's scientists in collaboration with researchers from the Pushkin House helped solve this problem.


  • Modeling Reality: the Fifth "Young Scientists" Conference in Krakov

    Thanks to high-performance computing, scientists can now analyze large amounts of data, predict or model different situations and improve various systems. Algorithms and applications that are developed at ITMO are used in medicine, industry, programming and many other areas. Some of them were presented at the fifth 'Young Scientists' international conference in Poland.
