Search by tag «Project» 39 results

  • ITMO University and Government of Moscow’s Department for Education and Science to Launch IT Classes in City’s Schools

    Isaac Kalina, a minister in the Government of Moscow and head of the latter’s Department for Education and Science, and ITMO University rector Vladimir Vasilyev have signed a road map on the implementation of the project “IT classes in Moscow schools”. Earlier, the initiative was put forward by the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin. The classes, which aim to introduce school students to modern information technologies, are to be launched starting from September 1, 2019.


  • Changing the World: New ITMO Student’s Star Project

    Ekaterina Mashina didn’t get enough Unified State Exam points to enter ITMO University, but still enrolled thanks to the ITMO.STARS contest with her IBolit project. This initiative aims to combine the efforts of students and staff from ITMO University, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg State University and Moscow State University for achieving a noble goal: the creation of a system for providing highly qualified premedical care in Russia’s outlying regions. ITMO.NEWS interviewed the student about the details of her project and her plans for the future.


  • ITMO Students Study Circular Economy in Latvia

    On September 30, a course on ‘Circular economy and sustainable natural resources management” was launched as part of the CREA-RE-RU international project. Led by the Faculty of Food Biotechnologies and Engineering’s teacher Anastasia Pavlova, four ITMO students majoring in ‘Ecological engineering’ and ‘Industrial ecology and cleaner production’ visited the University of Latvia to work on real-life tasks in the field of resource conservation. In this interview with ITMO.NEWS, the participants talked about participants talked about what a green economy is all about and discussed the importance of such international initiatives.


  • Computer Simulation Technologies: New Master’s Program at ITMO

    ITMO’s Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Systems is launching a new Master’s program in computer simulation technologies. The program is aimed at training managers and specialists ready to solve complex problems in the field of industry, science and business. Every student will be given an opportunity to take part in an international research project conducted in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California, Berkeley. The project focuses on developing the sdCloud platform for system-dynamic simulation which is already used in many countries, including Russia, the US, Brazil, and India.


  • Free Li-Fi, Light Swings, Bicycle Parkings and More Light Design from ITMO

    The Novosmolenskaya Embankment at Vasilievsky Island is well known to those living on the island near "Primorskaya” metro station and the rest of St. Petersburg’s dwellers. Locals and guests of the Northern capital come here to photograph sunsets, gracefully reflected in the smooth waters of the Smolenka River; see some of the apartment-buildings which are the record holders for the number of flats in them (house No. 1 has 1,483 apartments, for instance); enjoy the architectural complex of the embankment and so-called houses "on chicken legs", which have become one of the symbols of the non-standard approach to the city architecture in St. Petersburg. Despite the fact that the Novosmolenskaya Embankment is a center of attraction not only for the district residents, but for other groups of people, it’s experiencing some obvious problems these days. To name a few, poor lighting and fragile ecology. Natalya Bystryantseva, Head of ITMO’s Higher School of Lighting Design, speaks about a new unique concept developed jointly with Lensvet, a St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise. City Planning and Architecture Committee of St. Petersburg is leading this joint project, which will turn the Novosmolenskaya embankment into a new communications platform thanks to the introduction of new technologies and a unique light design solution.


  • ITMO University Proposes New Approach To Storing Big Data

    The term Big Data was first introduced by Clifford Lynch, Nature's editor, in 2008's special issue dedicated to the worldwide explosive growth of the quantity of information. Both then and now, science remains amongst the fields that produce most of the information; for instance, every year the Large Hadron Collider produces more than 15 petabytes of information, and NASA's servers host more than 37 petabytes on climate change only. And Big Data continues to grow - as of now, it has more and more applications in other fields, from marketing to urban science. Scientists from all over the world work on the mechanisms that will help increase the speed of data processing, as well as decrease their storage volume. ITMO scientists believe that a new way of organizing data storages can help solve these issues; lately, they've presented their new Exarch project. The new approach can double the speed of data processing, as well as allow to withdraw from using additional processing capacities. The research results were presented at the recent ICCBDC (International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing) 2017 in London.


  • How to Launch a Tech Project and Succeed

    What does one need to get into tech, and, ultimately, launch their own project? A unique idea, a team of professionals, materials, equipment, financing and, first and foremost, specific knowledge that can’t be gained fast and cheap. Not having even one of these things will often make even the most enthusiastic entrepreneur abandon their work before it’s even started. The staff at ITMO’s Student Laboratory OLIMP, however, believes that finding your place in the tech world isn’t as hard as it may seem. Four years ago, a student team had a similar experience, and they are now ready to share it with others. As part of Gogol Library’s “Popular Science Week”, OLIMP’s co-head Kirill Bodrov gave a talk about the traps and pitfalls of technological entrepreneurship, why it’s important to visit FabLabs and science festivals and where to find the right skills and people for a project.


  • ITMO 3.0 Reload: Battle of the Strongest

    This Wednesday, on May 31, the final pitch session of ITMO Reload 3.0's second season took place. For the last two months, teams have been working on projects that had to do with commercializing a particular ITMO invention. Their work involved three stages: studying a technology, developing a project on its commercialization, and preparing for the investor presentation and pitch.  The six teams had only five minutes each to present their project to the experts and the event's partners and compete for the main prize - 50,000 rubles provided by the RexLexNova technology brokering company. The winner also got the opportunity to present his solution at an international business seminar in Ljubljana (Slovenia) organized by the Russian Cultural Center and RLN. In this article, we'd like to share about the projects that got into the finals


  • Digitally Immortalized: How the Solovetsky Monastery is Finding a New Life in Virtual Reality

    Digital preservation of cultural heritage is becoming more and more trendy in both Russia and the world in general. The abundance of grants and commercial projects in this area signifies just how much the idea of digital preservation of historical, religious and cultural heritage of humanity is popular with the people; for that reason, numerous historical objects are now being memorialized in digital format. The Solovetsky Monastery, included in the UNESCO World Heritage list, is no exception. For the past year, ITMO University staff, in collaboration with the scientists at the Solovetsky conservation area, have been working on creating a digital representation of the monastery, including a virtual 3D model of the monastery as it appread in 16-17 centuries, as well as an interactive map and virtual tours on the monastery grounds using Video 360 and Unity 3D technologies.
