Search by tag «International» 24 results

  • My Impressions After 5 Months in St. Petersburg

    With a sense of satisfaction, I feel that I have made the most of every opportunity I had here. ITMO University plays an important role in this statement and also plays the living experience per se.


  • Meeting and Talking with International Students

    How do you start communicating with people from around the world? Are the Portuguese so patriotic? How much do we have in common with the French? This is my fourth post about my exchange semester in a small Czech city Zlin and I’d like to tell you about communication with people from other countries. In fact, meeting people was the best part of the term, because first of all it has greatly enriched me as a person. You can find my other posts here.


  • From the Capital: A Trip to Moscow

    The sky is clear. The wind is not so strong. The sun is slowly setting, and the tallest trees are as interconnected as any big forest by the road. Darkness is slowly becoming light. It seems like the last rays of the sun and the yellowing of the sky lasts only a short while and then the end of the day and the start of the night will begin.


  • My Experience as a Buddy for International Students

    I was interested in exploring different cultures and exchanging ideas about countries, their languages and cuisines. I bumped into the "Buddy System" which was a new initiative by ITMO University. I was screened by the selection committee and didn't expect to be selected as one of the buddies. I was excited and happy to be a part of this group. I was assigned to a new group of exchange students who were arriving from Brazil at the end of December.
