Search by tag «FoodTech» 24 results

  • Foodtech: Functional Nutrition Trends in Russia

    In Russia, most startups in the field of Foodtech focus on food delivery only. Still, globally, Foodtech has a much more comprehensive meaning: it is about digital technologies making their way into all fields of food industry. For the past years, the international market of foodtech startups has been developing most rapidly. In Russia, this field looks quite promising, as well. So, what are the key trends that anyone who wants to focus on Foodtech has to keep track of?


  • Edible Coating Makes Food Last Longer, Reduces Waste

    ITMO University is developing polymer coatings for food products that nearly double their shelf-life. Such coatings can be easily rinsed off with water, and are also edible. Alexander Podshivalov, their developer and engineer for ITMO’s Department of IT in the Fuel and Energy Industry explains more about his product that has recently gotten the gold medal in the innovative biotechnology solutions contest at the Bioindustry international exhibition.


  • FoodTech-2050: Introducing Technologies to Food Industry

    By 2050, the Earth's populace will amount to 9.6 billion people. Protein-based food consumption will increase due to the economic growthof underdeveloped countries. Life expectancy will increase, so people will need specific foods — like foods with special balancers. Yet, even now there are lots of problems in the food industry — ones that have to do with manufacturing, shipment, storage. These were discussed during the Foodnet foresight session that was part of the Import Substitution in Food Industry Week organized by ITMO University.


  • Hult Prize On Campus 2020: Results, Participants, and Projects

    On December 6, ITMO Technopark hosted the final stage of the Hult Prize On Campus competition. The jury announced the winning team that will present its project in one of the European capitals.
