Search by tag «Technology» 15 results

  • St. Petersburg European University’s Nikolay Rudenko on Fixing the Divide Between Tech and Humanities

    ITMO University and the European University at St. Petersburg (EUSP) have launched an open lecture series as part of their new Master’s program Science and Technologies in Society. At these lectures, held throughout May and June of 2019 at the Soviet Arcade Machines Museum, scientists talk about various aspects of modern tech and science from high-tech entrepreneurship to online gaming and research, latest developments, and more. For the series’ first lecture, Nikolay Rudenko, a research fellow at EUSP’s Center for Science and Technology Studies, explained what makes humanities and hard sciences so different, what lies behind the terms techno-optimism and techno-pessimism, and how soft sciences can learn to embrace technological research.


  • ITMO Master’s Student On Explaining Art By Means Of Multimedia

    Arina Mezhenina is finishing her Master’s program “Multimedia Technologies for Theatre, Cinema and Television” at ITMO’s Educational Center of Graphic Technologies. She also takes part in organizing the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum, makes short videos and studies the principles of popularizing the ideas of art pieces by means of multimedia. Read about how multimedia technologies can help bring a painting to life without losing the author’s message, and how Arina plans to combine activities in the field of arts and organization of major cultural events.


  • St. Petersburg Hosts 4th VK Fest

    This Sunday marked the second and final day of VK Fest in St. Petersburg, attended by tens of thousands of users of Russia’s biggest social network. Interestingly, this was the first time that VK had its own large zone at the event. Developers, admins and designers explained how to get a job at VK, how it works and how the 140 members of the support service manage to answer millions of questions. Four stages, a videogame and technology zone, a lectorium and VK Team’s lifehacks: here are the highlights of the second day of VK Fest.


  • Science Fest 2017: Space, Big Data and VR

    Last weekend, yet another Science Fest took place in St. Petersburg.  As  this time the event was hosted at the recently-opened planetarium, guests were able to watch full-dome popular science films about space and space exploration. Adherents of “hard” science could also attend lectures on modern technology, the capabilities of hybrid intelligence and Big Data, while those who thrive for new experiences could try out VR apps and see a hologram of R2-D2 at ITMO University’s interactive zone.


  • Silicon Valley Insights: 8 Global Trends in Tech

    The Open Innovations International Forum in Moscow attracts top executives from Russian and international companies, investors, experts, scientists and government officials. This year’s event is focused on the matters of future technologies in the life of people, the economy and the society. Marvin Liao, partner at major US-based seed fund 500 Startups, spoke about the biggest trends in tech and which areas young entrepreneurs need to look into. ITMO.NEWS provides a rundown of Liao’s talk.
