Search by tag «Self-care» 18 results

  • Life During Exams: Self-Care 101

    Have you ever found yourself not fully enjoying something exciting when it happens before you submit an important assignment? Or maybe you don’t even allow yourself to meet up with friends or take a quiet walk before you finish a task? Today, we are here to hopefully fix that and tell you how self-care can mean much more than just indulging in bath bombs or delicacies. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy (even if you haven’t crossed out everything on your to-do list yet)! 


  • The New Things We’re Trying This Spring

    Spring is near-synonymous with change, and what change could be more important than that which we make ourselves? We enter this bright new season wisened (one would hope) by a most perilous, unusual, and enlightening year. Here’re all the new things we’ll be trying out in the coming weeks:


  • Winter Break at Home: Staying Fit, Sane, and Entertained

    With self-isolation strongly encouraged, it falls on all of us to remain responsible and stay at home. But how do you stay fit, active, and in good spirits when spending the winter break indoors? We’ve prepared a round-up of all the great tips on weathering self-isolation, self-care, and keeping yourself entertained at home.


  • Our Mood-Boosting Strategies for the Winter Season

    As the days grow shorter and the skies – greyer, it’s only natural to find yourself feeling down a little more often than you’d like. And that is especially true in a city as northern and windswept as ours. That’s why we want to share with you some of the ways in which our team keeps their spirits up and their frowns upside down when dealing with the ol’ seasonal blues.


  • Building Resilience and Coping With Stress

    With the ongoing pandemic and increasing distance learning fatigue, this year has demonstrated (and still does) that stress and setbacks are unavoidable. While a bit of stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing, being constantly on high alert can affect both your physical and mental well-being. That’s why we must understand stress and know the ways to manage it in order to lead a happy and healthy life.


  • This Stay-at-Home Weekend in St. Petersburg: Self-Care

    Many things can be said about self-isolation, especially after over a month of distance learning and sitting at home, but we cannot deny that it offers us an opportunity to finally learn to be in tune with our thoughts and practice selfcare. And that’s what our weekend activity recommendations will be focusing on this week. 


  • 5 Healthy Habits for the New Year

    It is our firm conviction that a little indulgence over the holidays is more than fine, whatever toxic “get fit or else” marketing would have you believe. But you may also want to start a new year with a cleaner slate – be it for your mental and physical health and/or the planet’s wellbeing at large. If that’s the case (go you!) – we’ve prepared a little checklist of healthy habits for you to try to incorporate. Just remember: every step, however small, matters, and we’re in it together!


  • Healthy Living: Five Tips for Staying Positive

    As the days grow shorter and the weather chills down, it can get really difficult to keep your good spirits up. Here are some tips to help! 
