Why diets do not work?

Around 2.8 million people die each year because of being overweight. However, many young people have mental and physical illnesses because they try to reach some arbitrary beauty standard. I’m very concerned about both issues. I’m not going to tell you today why this is a disaster. I’m simply going to tell you how to avoid these problems.


You must have read a hundred times that diets do not work. Well, they actually do! Yes, all diets do work! While you follow a diet, it always works. However, the weight that you have lost always (ALWAYS!) comes back. Today I will tell you why this happens!

According to research done recently by coachcalorie.com when we stop following a diet, we might still lose weight for up to 6 months, and then we gain it again. Up to 97% of people get back to where they started from, up to 66% gain even more than they have lost! Why?

No matter which diet (low fat, low carb, high protein) we follow, we lose weight. This happens because our body burns around 2000 calories daily. This amount doesn’t cover sport, these 2000 will be burnt even if we have a lazy day. Most diets are based on reducing the number of calories. When a person consumes fewer calories regularly (1600 let’s say), the body gets used to burning less calories. However, we can’t follow a diet forever. Once we get back to the average ration (diet), our body can’t burn all the 2000 as it’s gotten used to burning 1600. This is a biological and irreversible reaction of the body. As a result, we start to gain weight. With a loss of 3% of weight, metabolism is reduced by 17%. Slow metabolism stays with us for 3−5 years.

What is the solution?

First, sport has always been the best solution to losing weight. It’s better to burn more calories than to consume less.

Second, make a smooth transition between 1700 and 2000. Make it 1750 and keep it around a few weeks and then 1800 and so on. What you eat also matters (veggies are 100% better than chocolate).

Finally, it doesn’t really matter how much you weigh as long as it doesn’t harm your health.

In conclusion, I must say that the problem of the acceleration of metabolism and overcoming hidden hunger overcoming is not solved yet. Scientists haven’t come up with a solution yet! Therefore, the best thing that we can do for ourselves is to stay healthy!