Dmitry Epstein's open lecture "21st century cosmonautics"

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How is modern cosmonautics developing and what awaits it in the future?

For the past 60 years, space science witnessed a sky-rocketing leap in its development. Cosmonauts and sputniks roaming free on the Earth's orbit, regular expeditions to the Sun and the faraway corners of the Solar System, active research of the asteroids, comets, outer planets and their satellites and no less active search for extraterrestrial life...

But lurking at the dark side of all this progress are technical difficulties, political tensions, military programs and the cosmic arms race between the superpowers.

Take a journey through the cosmonautics' checkered past and look into its exciting future together with Dmitry Epstein, professor of astronomy and research associate at the Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who'll visit St. Petersburg to give an open lecture on "21st century cosmonautics".

The event will take place on April 8, starting at 7.30pm.

Please register here to attend.


Everyone is very welcome to attend.


St. Petersburg Nuclear Energy Information Center