Search by tag «Research Project» 135 results

  • Improved Algorithm for Lung Cancer Diagnostics Suggested by ITMO Students

    Students from ITMO University have developed a machine learning-based algorithm for detecting lung tumors on computed tomography (CT) scans. Trained on over 10,000 public-domain images, the model proved to generate results in 0.38 seconds. As noted by the developers, the technology may assist in online medical consultations to facilitate diagnostics.


  • New AI Solution Helps Design Arctic Infrastructure

    Researchers from the Intelligent Urban Planning Technologies Laboratory, part of ITMO’s Research Center “Strong AI in Industry,” trained AI to design industrial and port facilities specifically for the Arctic region. The new model can generate a full-scale model of the future site, reflecting all the peculiarities of the construction, the terrain, and the area’s harsh climate conditions, in just a few minutes.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #35

    In this bi-weekly guide, we share everything you need to know about the latest goings-on in the world of science, research, and education at ITMO.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #34

    Every second Monday, we review the latest and most exciting science news at ITMO. Today, we’ll be looking at advances in space medicine, promising career prospects for robotics students, and a slew of curious projects and discoveries at the junction of the arts and exact sciences.


  • ITMO Students Launch Stratospheric Satellite to Find Cure For Osteoporosis

    As part of the nationwide educational program Aerospace Engineering School, a team of ITMO students has sent a satellite into the stratosphere to find out how bone tissue is formed in low gravity and what effect silk proteins may have on the process. Potentially, the study may help prevent osteoporosis in astronauts.


  • How Holograms Can Help Preserve Artworks – And Even Restore Those Lost to Time

    Researchers from ITMO have proposed a novel method of art digitalization that utilizes analog holography and photogrammetry to produce more life-like 3D models of objects. Unlike commonly used techniques, the developed method can create highly accurate digital copies of artworks, including those deemed forever lost. The results of the study (part 1 and part 2) were published in Journal of the Optical Society of America A.


  • Laser Billiards Made Possible Thanks to ITMO Researchers

    Scientists from ITMO’s International Research and Educational Center for Physics of Nanostructures have created a new type of an ion trap, in which microparticles can be tossed  between localization zones with a laser beam, like billiard balls. In this article, we will delve into what makes the discovery so unique and how it can help revolutionize the industry.


  • ITMO Researchers Propose Technology For More Efficient Detection of Hazardous Gas Leaks in Production

    Scientists from ITMO University have designed a way to increase the sensitivity of gas detectors, traditionally used in the gas and oil industry to prevent gas leaks. The answer may be a novel, laser-based technology that modifies chalcogenide films that make up the core of gas detection systems.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #32

    Today, we review the latest in science news from ITMO, including but not limited to: an AI-based robotic design system, a wide selection of unique Master’s programs for students from all over the world, and two must-visit science exhibitions in St. Petersburg.


  • ITMO Scientists Create Improved Optical Module for AR Devices

    Researchers from ITMO have used volume holography to develop an optical module that is resistant to chemical damage, physical impact, and extreme temperatures. This module, called a combiner, can be used to create industrial-purpose AR glasses or to project interfaces directly onto the windshields of cars and airplanes. Unlike its counterparts, the device is single-layered, which makes it lighter and prevents glare. The project is supported by the Priority 2030 program.
