Impeccable Mixed-State Communication: Part 2

Sequel to the previous article on the broad concept of mixed-state communication, here, without further delay, we proceed to address the common pitfalls associated with a flawed mixed-state communication. From the foregoing, we have established the fact that the efficacy of verbal communication is marked by an understanding of the clarity and purpose of the sent message. If there happens to be a mismatch between what was sent and what was received, the communication is then pronounced ineffective. What are some of the common blockades that preclude verbal and non-verbal clarity?

Impeccable Mixed-State Communication: Part 1

It is difficult to overstate the pertinence of effective communication, be it verbal or written, particularly if one wants to move steadily up the academic or professional ladder. Without exaggeration, for instance, the utter neglect of key communication skills in the professional space is tantamount to planning for an early career death. How one can gain mastery of this life skill is a question a plethora of materials centering on the subject of communication have, at different times, tried to tackle head-on. However, like a recurring decimal, the mistakes many communication enthusiasts seek to correct appear to be the same mistakes they, more often than not, continue to make. These blockades, as I like to call them, deal huge blows to how effective we come across when communicating our ideas and thoughts. Fortunately, these blockades are not without remedies.

ITMO’s Buddy System

The Buddy System is a dedicated project of ITMO within the ITMO.STUDENTS club system to help international students settle down in a foreign country, interact with local students, and provide support with the dormitory move-in, medical checkups and all the other necessary administrative procedures. A buddy is like your first friend in Russia who helps you with adjusting to campus life, making new friends, and building relationships with people who can help you navigate your academic and social experiences.

Weather in St. Petersburg

When traveling to a foreign country far away from home, it’s expected to be very new and different. Apart from the culture and food, the weather can be quite a contrast from what you are used to. Russia is famous for being cold and snowy, which can be intimidating to someone from a warm tropical country. But is St. Petersburg really that bad?

Games To Play This Summer

In summer, there is plenty to do. Walking, hiking, camping — the weather is better than any other time of the year. You can go swimming, you can do sports, but going out is not the only way to spend your time. Sometimes what you really want is to stay at home and watch a movie or have a nice evening with your friends. Or you can do what I like most — play games.

Registan: The Pearl of Central Asia

Registan is the pearl of Central Asia, one of the most magnificent squares in the world, located in the center of old Samarkand. Everyone who is lucky enough to be here cannot remain indifferent: the greatness and beauty of Registan elicits in everyone, without exception, a feeling of delight.

St. Petersburg’s Electric Transport: Trams

The environmental and financial advantages of employing electrically powered vehicles are undisputed, and these benefits are greater still in the case of public transportation, which, though perhaps not in comfort, in efficiency far surpasses personal vehicles. In this field St. Petersburg has long been at the vanguard.

A Mexican Chef’s Journey to Russia

Here in Russia, it’s incredibly difficult to find traditional Mexican food. You can find a few places here and there, but most of them lack that authentic Mexican taste. Taqueria Don Garcia, a Mexican food stand, serves the most unbelievably delicious tacos I have ever tried in Russia. It’s owned and founded by Gerardo García, born and raised in Mexico, who immigrated to Russia 5 years ago.

The Sea That Was

The Aral Sea is a drainless salt lake in Central Asia, on the border of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Until the middle of the 20th century, it was the fourth largest in the world, occupying about 68 thousand square kilometers; its length was 426 km, width — 284 km, and the greatest depth — 68 m; but since the 1960s, it has shallowed significantly due to water intake from the main feeding rivers of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya for irrigation.

Ayaz-Kala: A Fortress From the Distant Past

The Ayaz-Kala archaeological site encompasses the ruins of three ancient fortresses from the time of the Kushan Empire, located in Uzbekistan’s Kyzylkum Desert. The name of the settlement translates as "fortress in the wind." Built when Kushan culture was at its peak in the third and second centuries BCE, it bolstered the empire’s northern defenses and protected those territories from foreign encroachment.