First of all the speaker mentioned an important thing, which usually takes a lot of effort and time to understand. According to Mr. Dubinnikov everybody should ask him or herself: "What is my commitment? How can I contribute?" He also mentioned that people have to answer these questions as early as it possible.

"Being useful is a kind of result. You can do something or already do something that nobody else can."

Currently the job market is changing. Applicants focus on real jobs as opposed to abstract positions. At the same time companies evaluate the result that a potential employee can show. It means that being competitive is when you understand what exactly you can give back.

How to understand if a job is appropriate or not? To answer this question participants played a business game: they made a list of things they want to do, thought about the necessity of each project and made plans for how they could make money from it.

"We are taught that entrepreneurs are those who take the risk of money to build a company. It is true but they also have to be useful despite whether they work at a corporation or for themselves," says the speaker.

The 3.0 Reload project is based on the Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations and supported by the Project Management and Innovation Department. Its main goal is to assist ITMO’s research centers and departments in commercializing research projects and technologies. It gives future entrepreneurs an opportunity to gain the experience of skilled mentors. These competencies will help them to create financial models and provide market analyses.