Search by tag «Topological photonics» 8 results

  • ITMO Scientists Find a New Way to Control Topological States

    A research team from ITMO University, Australian National University, and Tel Aviv University has experimentally demonstrated a new approach to the creation and control of configurable photonic structures with fixed topology. The key lies in the physical properties of resonators.


  • ITMO Scientists Design a Model to Protect Quantum Computing From Disorder

    Scientists from ITMO’s School of Physics and Engineering have predicted that topological states that occur in a two-dimensional array of superconducting qubits make the system robust to disorders. This may allow scientists to make certain algorithms of quantum computing resilient to defects in the structure, which opens up new opportunities for the design of superconducting quantum processors.


  • Scientists from ITMO Discover a New Way to Create Reconfigurable Topological States of Light

    A team of researchers from ITMO University and Australian National University came up with a new concept of photonic topological structures. Localized states of light in such structures appear not due to the intentionally designed lattice geometry but rather because of spatial variation of particles' properties.


  • ITMO Student Alexander Berestennikov Becomes Recipient of Zhores Alferov Scholarship

    The PhD student was recognized for his works on perovskite nanophotonics. In total, four Russian PhD students and six young Russian scientists were awarded the scholarship. Alexander Berestennikov spoke with ITMO.NEWS about this achievement, his research, and why he loves being a scientist.


  • ITMO PhD Student Dmitry Zhirihin Receives Prestigious IEEE Graduate Fellowship

    Dmitry Zhirihin, a PhD student at ITMO University has received the Graduate Fellowship of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society. This prestigious award is annually granted to only 12 young scientists working in the field of microwave physics. The committee evaluated Dmitry’s research of topological insulators, deciding to fund his further work. ITMO.NEWS got in touch with Dmitry to learn about the work of a contemporary experimental scientist, the experiences of spending the Christmas holidays in the lab and the damage an unlocked door can do to the results of an experiment.


  • Scientists from ITMO University Describe and Emulate New Quantum State of Entangled Photons

    A research team from ITMO University, with the help of their colleagues from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Politecnico di Torino, has predicted a novel type of topological quantum state of two photons and proved their predictions experimentally. The method developed by the researchers relies on the analogy: instead of expensive experiments with quantum structures of two or more entangled photons, they have used resonant electric circuits that can be described by similar equations. The obtained results can be useful for the creation of optical chips and quantum computers without the need for expensive experiments. The research was supported by grants from the Russian Science Foundation and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The research was published in Nature Communications.


  • International Team of Scientists Discover New Phenomenon in Topological Physics

    While doing research on photonic topological insulators, an international team of scientists including physicists from ITMO University succeeded in providing an experimental proof of models that were only theoretically described before, as well as discovering a completely new phenomenon. This work, which received partial support from the Russian Science Foundation and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, opens a new field in the research of topological insulators and can potentially help create highly efficient microelectronic devices. The article was published in Nature Photonics.


  • Participants of ITMO Summer School on Topological Photonics on the Latest Trends in the Field

    ITMO University’s International Research Center for Nanophotonics and Metamaterials has recently hosted the Summer School on Topological Photonics. In the course of five days, young researchers – Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD students – listened to lectures by leading specialists from Russia, Europe, the US, and Korea. The event brought together over 60 participants from many Russian cities, as well as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the UK, Mexico, Turkey, and other countries. The school was followed by the 4th International Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics METANANO 2019.
