Search by tag «Top Science News» 2 results

  • Meet the New Radiophysical Lab at ITMO's Faculty of Physics and Engineering

    ITMO University now has a new experimental complex: an anechoic chamber for testing antennas and studying the electrodynamic characteristics of the latest artificial materials. Andrey Sayanskiy, a Research Associate at the Faculty of Physics and Engineering, told ITMO.NEWS about the new complex and what its means for the university.


  • Falcon Heavy Launch, Cancer Treatment, and Neutrinos: Top Science News of 2018

    On January 29, the St. Petersburg’s Atomic Energy Information Center hosted 2019’s first discussion about the latest trends in science and technology. The event brought together leading science communicators from different fields, including Ivan Drokin, a specialist in machine learning, Andrey Seriakov, a physicist and Science Slam winner, Alexander Khokhlov, a space instrumentation engineer, and Ekaterina Khomiakova biochemist. ITMO.NEWS published the highlights of the discussion.
