Search by tag «Team building» 4 results

  • ITMO’s Second Leadership Accelerator Opens Applications

    The ITMO/Leader accelerator is dedicated to developing key competencies of ITMO’s staff. Its participants will learn how to manage business processes, build teams, and create roadmaps. The program will start on March 13. Keep reading to find out more about the accelerator and how to sign up.


  • ITMO University Hosts Its First What? Where? When? Tournament

    Having brought together around 200 specialists from various departments, the university’s first What? Where? When? quiz contest, which launched in October, has recently ended with a grand finale. ITMO.NEWS went to this closing game, hosted by star player Mikhail Mun, to learn the secrets of the winning team.


  • How to Organize Teamwork and Avoid Conflicts: Tips by an ITMO Graduate

    As part of the Creating a Technology Business course, Viktor Viktorov, an ITMO graduate and a development director of the Crystal Service Integration company, shared his experience in managing both small and large teams.


  • ITMO.EXPERT Project Lets Educators Share Digital Teaching Experience

    ITMO University has launched the ITMO. EXPERT  project, aimed at helping teachers use digital technology in their work and make the educational process more effective. Some of ITMO’s academic staff have already taken part in three courses so far: digital tools, teamwork, and game technology in education.
