Search by tag «Spintronics» 3 results

  • ITMO Fellowship Stories: Physicist Ksenia Chichay on Spintronics, Data-Related Advances, and Academic Career

    Back in 2008, a team of IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) scientists demonstrated the first racetrack memory device, which was meant to be as fast as RAM and as affordable as hard drives yet more capacious and less energy-demanding than the two. Since then, multiple researchers have worked on the technology, including specialists from ITMO University. In this article, Ksenia Chichay, a physicist and a laureate of the ITMO Fellowship program, explains how such studies are organized, what spintronics is, and how it can help researchers boost data recording, storage, and transmission.


  • ITMO Fellowship Stories: 'Interest In Research Is Primary, Success Is Secondary'

    Mikhail Titov talks about how to build a scientific career in Europe and how many languages one needs to know for this.


  • ITMO Scientists Prove Skyrmion Laser Manipulation

    In recent years the leaders of the global semiconductor industry - companies such as Intel and IBM - have faced inability to accelerate the speed of modern computing systems by increasing the density of microprocessors per unit area. This is caused by fundamental physical limitations. However, it initialized the search for new models and methods of their implementation. Electronics of the future will be based on this research. One of the fields that scientists suggested was spintronics and its subdivision - skyrmionics, which studies exotic magnetic ring formations called skyrmions. They were first obtained in a laboratory in 2010. In the future they may find use in development of more efficient memory chips. Like graphene in the field of nanomaterials, skyrmions can lead the way to go beyond 10-nanometer technological process of chip production. Researchers at ITMO University are also working in this field and have recently managed to demonstrate in theory that properties of skyrmions can be controlled using external laser radiation. The results of this work were published in the Physical Review Letters. 
