Search by tag «Memory» 7 results

  • Student Spotlight: Chien Bui, Vietnam

    How does an international student feel about Russia after almost four years here? To find out, we got in touch with Chien Bui from Vietnam, a fourth-year Bachelor’s student in Information Technology and Programming at ITMO University and a front-end UI/UX developer. We talked to her about her experiences, memories, and future plans.


  • ITMO Researchers Introduce New Method for Magnetization Switching

    Scientists Andrew Kudlis, Ivan Shelykh, and Ivan Iorsh from ITMO’s School of Physics and Engineering have proposed an innovative method for ultrafast magnetization switching in layered magnetic structures. The developed technique makes it possible to efficiently control memory cells and break the ground for fully optical methods of recording information in 2D materials. The article detailing the results of the study is published in Physical Review B, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Physical Society.


  • How to Study Effectively: Five Memorization Techniques for Acing Any Exam or Test

    Do you know why Richard of York gave battle in vain and not in rain? And why will you always remember that roses are red and violets are blue? What about a long-lost memory from your childhood brought back to you by a delicious smell from your parent’s or grandparent’s kitchen? Our brain knows a trick or two, and you can harness its power through mnemotechnics for remembering even the hardest material for your tests and exams.


  • Seven Sins of Our Memory or Why We Forget Things

    What do scientists know about the way our memory works? Which part of the brain is responsible for the process of remembering? Is it possible to remember everything or at least not forget the important things? Polina Krivykh, a psychophysiologist, popularizer of neuroscience, and author of the book Where Are My Glasses and Other Stories About Our Memory answers all these questions. 


  • Cognitive Science Tales for Halloween: 4 Mysterious Cases

    Sometimes scientists are not white-coated and bespectacled lab specialists but rather weather-beaten detectives reviewing cold case files – possibly with a tobacco pipe and a shot of headstrong espresso for company. In the spirit of Halloween, today we will review some of the most intriguing and perhaps even spooky cases that used to baffle cognitive scientists. 


  • Cognitive Science: How Memory Works and How to Make Yours Work Better

    Ever forgot where you put your keys? Crammed for a test and aced it? Remembered how to ride a bike to your own surprise? Some might argue (and, indeed, one Ortega y Gasset does) that memory is what makes us human as it is what enables us to learn from not only the mistakes that we made ourselves but also from those made by generations before us. However true or not this statement may be, it is hard to deny our heavy reliance on memory on a day-to-day basis. But how much do we actually know about it and is this knowledge enough to benefit us?


  • University of Amsterdam Professor on the Importance of Crowd Behavior Research and Putting Minecraft to Good Use

    Human behavior analysis is one of the most important and complex contemporary research topics. It can be used for designing safe and reliable structures and spaces to help people during evacuations and other emergency situations. Working as part of a research group, a University of Amsterdam professor Michael Lees has developed a Minecraft-inspired game that was used for studying human behavior in emergencies forcing people to navigate their way through an unknown territory. Prof. Lees unveiled the findings during his ITMO University lecture, dedicated to the development of a new game-based experimental approach aimed at achieving a better scientific understanding of humans. 
