Search by tag «HR» 3 results

  • ITMO in the Running for St. Petersburg’s Best HR Project

    ITMO University’s efforts to establish a recruiting center and talent scouting system were recognized by the job-hunting platform HeadHunter. The university debuted in the Northern Capital category of the company’s HR awards, making it into the shortlist straight away.


  • HR Hackathon: Making Things Easier for Employers and Employees

    In early March, the St. Petersburg Labour Forum was host to the HR Hackathon. Over two days, participants developed projects for automated recruitment and job searching. 30 teams – made up of 87 participants – took part. IT specialists came from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tula, Samara, Chelyabinsk and Kazan. Three teams from ITMO University also participated.


  • Getting Your Dream Job: Lifehacks from the Expert

    How to use new career platforms and avoid common mistakes made by candidates? Business Coach Maria Ososkorova answered these questions at a lecture organized by ITMO’s Personal Development Center.
