Search by tag «Decision-making» 2 results

  • Three Monsters of Thinking: ITMO Holds a Lecture on Evidence-Based Policy As Part of Hard Core Philosophy Project

    Hard Core Philosophy is a project within ITMO’s Thinking module. It is a series of lectures by Russian and international researchers from the world’s best universities on contemporary ontology and theory of cognition.


  • How Your Brain Makes Decisions

    Economics, psychology and biology have long studied the process of decision making. It is at the intersection of these subjects that the new science of neuroeconomics, an interdisciplinary field that studies decision making in multiple choice and "risk/reward" situations, has emerged. Vasily Klucharev, the Deputy Dean for Behavioural Sciences at the Higher School of Economics, expanded on this new field of study during an open lecture he gave as part of ITMO’s Science Communication Master’s program.
