The “PIERS” provides an international forum for reporting progress and recent advances in the modern development of electromagnetic theory and its new and exciting applications since 1989.

As other large conferences the “PIERS” includes young researcher contest, which is divided into several focus sessions. Mr. Gorlach presented his paper in the framework of “Metamaterials, Plasmonics and Complex Media” session.

The topic of his paper was “Nonlocality in Discrete Metamaterials”. Maksim Gorlach focuses on this problem for the last years. He is going to include the results of his research in his PhD thesis.

“Presenting my paper I told about unusual features of metamaterials like double refraction and their application,” said Mr. Gorlach.

The results of this research could be put into practice. For example, it is possible to design a “superlens” with subwave length resolution. The other feature of metamaterials is a negative refraction index, which helps to develop masking materials.

Maksim Gorlach supposes that the beginning of experimental work proves the progress of his research.

“Theoretical results and numerical simulation are very important parts of a research. However the only thing, which confirms a theory, is an experiment,” sais Maksim.

Furthermore the young scientist wrote an article for “Physical Review B” journal, the topic of which is “Nonlocality in uniaxially polarizable media”. Now Maksim Gorlach is going to focus on preparation for experimental work.

 Ulyana Malysheva

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