The software of Soft Expert company allows optimization and control of all business processes in any organization. Its help in business running is appreciated for more than two thousand organizations around the world - from health centers to government agencies, and the number of Soft Expert users is more than 300 000 people.
According to Ricardo Lepper, despite the wide range of consumers of Soft Expert software package, in Russian the product is available only to global companies such as Siemens and Coca-Cola, which acquired the software in other countries. The purpose of the company top manager’s visit in St. Petersburg is the negotiations with the R-Pro Russian company, which is headed by Alexei Korablev, the head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies in High-Tech Business of ITMO University.
In order for companies to develop in normal economic environment even during the years of financial instability, all its departments must be a tuned mechanism and cooperate closely with each other. And the only thing that is able to bind, for example, the HR department on the fifth floor and accountant department on the twentieth - is IT-technology, says the Soft Expert chief. "Puzzle" of business excellence by Soft Expert looks like a set of elements that represent a typical complex system of organization. Projects, products, their presentation, skills of employees, risk management, knowledge assets, information systems, working ecosystem - all of these modules are controlled and interact with the software developed in Brazil.
Ricardo Lepper believes that university’s management also has to keep abreast of their organization using IT-technology.
"Among the customers of our software, there are the higher education institutions. I think it's logical, because the universities are also industrial organizations in a way: they produce a product for consumers, whom are students, and have to monitor its quality constantly. Knowledge, internships and study abroad, new courses that meet modern requirements - all this requires constant monitoring. And imagine the turn of documents on a daily basis in a large university! One mail lost, one order not signed in time can greatly complicate the work of the entire system. Progressive universities simply can not afford it", sums up the CEO of Soft Expert.