The first in 2014 issue of the magazine "Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics" was published.

Author copies are available at the editorial office (room 330) from 27 January.

The release of the contents and abstracts of articles are available on the journal's website. The full texts of articles can be found on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library under condition of registration at the library website and providing access by IP-address of the NRU ITMO.

Along with the magazine's editorial staff the International Editorial Board was formed.

The number and names of some of the magazine columns was changed.

The authors of articles should notice, that from the first issue in 2014 the magazine changed the requirements for submitted manuscripts.

Changes were made firstly to the scope and content of abstracts, the recommended number of titles in the list of references.

The structure and content of the individual sections of the site was changed.

You can find detailed information about all the changes on the journal's website.